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Click here to see the material published for: High Holidays 5785
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Here’s what some of your colleagues say about The American Rabbi:
The American Rabbi has been a wonderful and helpful resource. I take great pride in writing my own sermons but it is great to be able to do a search of the extensive data bank to find the perfect story or quote when developing a sermon theme. Personally, I also love knowing that my sermons will have a second life in inspiring other rabbis out in the field. The American Rabbi constantly reminds me that we are one family searching for the best ways to inspire others with words of Torah not only from our classical sources but from contemporary writings of colleagues.
– Rabbi Mark Greenspan – Oceanside, NY
The sermons in The American Rabbi get me to think and study sources I may not have known or thought about. They are my raw material, from which I craft my sermons. Many sermons lead to me say: ” why didn’t I think of that?” Thanks for all the Torah you supply! Yishar Koach, keep them coming.
– Rabbi Mel Glazer – Colorado Springs, CO
The American Rabbi is a buffet table of food for thought. It has been my ‘go-to’ site for ideas when I have to prepare a drasha or a bulletin article. I know the rabbis whose writings I enjoy and go right to the search box. After surveying six or eight pieces, I am brimming with thoughts and can sit down to write. My product may be entirely different than what I read in AR, but the perusal of my colleagues creativity got my juices flowing, and that is just what I need as a deadline approaches. I highly commend AR to every rabbi.
– Rabbi Richard Plavin – Manchester, CT